Primary SEND is now full for 2024 entry - applications for 2025 entry will open mid October 2024
This high-quality programme is designed for entrants to the teaching profession who aspire to teach in special schools or to become Special Educational Needs Coordinators in mainstream schools.
The programme is delivered by serving SENDCos and professionals based in special schools.
The programme is sufficiently flexible to allow trainees to access learning on-line; to train within their locality; and to tailor the year to meet their needs. Trainees will experience placements in mainstream and special school settings.
In addition to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), trainees will achieve a PGCE from the University of Leeds. This evidence-based research will support trainees’ critical thinking about behaviour and barriers to learning related to teaching children with learning difficulties.
By the end of the programme, trainees will be equipped to complete their NQT induction in mainstream and special school settings.
The course provides a broad range of teaching experience across Key Stages 1 and 2.
In the Primary year groups, creativity is at the heart of our teaching, both in the core subjects of English, Maths and Science, and across the full breadth of National Curriculum Primary subjects.
You’ll enjoy working with many inspirational teachers from across the partnership, showing you how they continuously strive to improve practice in the classroom, and enable progression across the full range of Primary year groups. You’ll also develop inspirational and innovative techniques to enthuse and engage young people.