Key Information and Policies
Trainees must also adhere to the policies of their placement schools.
Please explore our website for further information on our commitment to equality and safeguarding.
2023 Red Kite Teacher Training Trainee Code of Conduct(pdf)
Created 30/08/23Permalink
Red Kite Teacher Training Code of Conduct for 2023/24 trainees
2023 Red Kite Teacher Training Trainee Contract(pdf)
Created 30/08/23Permalink
Red Kite Teacher Training 2023/24 Trainee Contract
Admissions Policy(pdf)
Created 27/11/24Permalink
This document sets out the policy for recruiting and selecting trainees for both the primary and secondary initial teacher training programmes.
Anti-Bullying Policy(pdf)
Created 16/11/22Permalink
Every member of the community of Red Kite Teacher Training (RKTT) has the right to be in a secure and caring environment in order to realise their true potential in all aspects of their work and training, free from humiliation, intimidation and abuse. They also have the responsibility to contribute, in whatever way they can to the protection and maintenance of such an environment. Red Kite Teacher Training does not tolerate bullying and all incidents are taken seriously.
Appeals Policy(pdf)
Created 16/11/22Permalink
The purpose of this Appeals policy is to provide clear procedures for dealing with Appeals made by trainees against Red Kite Teacher Training (RKTT).
Complaints Policy(pdf)
Created 15/03/23Permalink
The purpose of this complaints policy is to provide clear procedures for dealing with complaints and grievances made by trainees relating to Red Kite Teacher Training (RKTT). RKTT encourages a culture of listening to feedback and sharing with trainees the actions we have taken to respond to concerns; the complaints process should be seen as part of this wider positive culture.
Data Protection Policy(pdf)
Created 08/10/21Permalink
Red Kite Teacher Training is part of Red Kite Learning Trust. We may be required by law to collect and use certain types of information to comply with statutory obligations related to employment, education and safeguarding, and this policy is intended to ensure that personal information is dealt with properly and securely and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and other related legislation.
Privacy Notice for Trainees and ECTs(pdf)
Created 24/03/23Permalink
Privacy Notice for Trainees and ECTs
RKTT Safeguarding Policy - 2024(pdf)
Created 21/05/24Permalink
This document sets out the policy for safeguarding and is consistent with Red Kite Learning Trust (RKLT) Safeguarding Policy. Children and young people should never experience abuse of any kind and all children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.